Sneak Peek of Solid Edge ST10

As has become the custom, Solid Edge University 2016 ended with a tease of what would be coming in Siemens’ newest Solid Edge release. An anticipatory crowd gathered in a ballroom at Indianapolis’ JW Marriot, and Director of Solid Edge Products Jeff Walker delivered a presentation that didn’t disappoint.

Here now are the major highlights from the Solid Edge ST10 preview. Keep in mind, this is only a partial list of new features that will grace the CAD package.

Sheet Metal Joins the Synchronous Fold

Sheet Metal get the Synchronous Technology treatment in ST10

Solid Edge’s Synchronous Technology (ST) has been the answer for designers who value the ability to edit models directly without having to untangle hierarchical and dependent feature trees. Since its release, ST has been a resounding success, and now it’s evolving to include sheet metal design as well.

In ST10, users will have the ability to edit sheet metal parts directly, even if they’re in their bent state. Users can reposition features, resize them and dramatically change their form without having to back up through a feature tree if a design error has been made. Additionally, with ST10’s new ST Sheet Metal features, the software understands where an alteration is being made in a bent sheet metal part and can translate that to the flat pattern without any hassle.