VIDEO: How Enterprise Resource Planning Connects Manufacturers to Data

Thanks to the Internet of Things, the manufacturing industry is experiencing a surge in use and demand for advanced software to push information between the factory floor and tablets smart phones.

In the video above, we talk about how advanced software for enterprise resource planning (ERP) benefits the average manufacturing engineer just as much as it benefits the data crunchers and management in the front office.

“We’re seeing more and more applications that are being developed for mobilization, not only in terms of traceability on the production floor, but also the ability to be more responsive and have information in the hands of engineers as well as production personnel,” said Christine Hansen, senior manager of product marketing at Epicor Software Corporation.

Historically, there has been a time lag between implementing a change to a job at the front end of the office, and getting the parts altered on the shop floor.

Job tickets would need to be reprinted and floated through the plant, sometimes reaching several versions for the same job, and causing confusion. Advanced software and mobile devices today can completely replace this old system, Hansen explained.

“By using electronic systems and mobility, I’m able to take changes and deliver them to the production floor much more efficiently and in real time as the products are being produced,” Hansen said.

A wirelessly connected factory also gives manufacturers the freedom to organize their facilities as they see fit, without the constraints of wired systems. Additionally, workers will be able to access data from outside the facility without issue.

“We’re seeing true changes in efficiency for how manufacturers can react to problems being found from a quality perspective, as well as the ability to enable the plant floor and front offices to have more access to information in the middle of the job, and while they are talking to customers, than ever before,” Hansen added.

For more information on the advantages of ERP systems, watch the video above and visit the Epicor Software website.