Oasys Announces MassMotion v9.0

Software company Oasys has released version 9.0 of MassMotion, a specialized pedestrian simulation and crowd analysis toolset. The latest iteration includes a number of additions and updates to its 3D simulation and creation suite, enabling a wider variety of test and validation scenarios. Three of the most important new features are:

Streamlined 3D Asset Management

MassMotion 9.0 has improved the importation of assets from the primary 3D and 2D CAD packages, combining them into a single BIM-compatible 3D model. Object snap functionality has also been included for faster model building. This feature provides “live” links between different levels of complex structures, allowing users to monitor virtual pedestrians as they move between different areas and buildings in the simulation.

MassMotion’s pedestrian simulation and crowd analysis tools in action. (Image courtesy of Oasys).

Digital Agency and External Stimuli

MassMotion’s pedestrian agents are now able to dynamically respond to personal agendas and user-defined external stimuli (or triggers). This development is well-suited to the evolving range of test scenarios and events designed by engineers during each major phase of a project. In the past, such simulation was usually limited to evacuation planning only.

Replicating Anomalous Behaviours

The product’s improved Software Development Kit reduces the complexity of accounting for exceptional or unusual events related to pedestrian behaviour. For instance, MassMotion can factor the patterns of senior pedestrians (who tend to move more slowly) or children who don’t slow down on stairs and who defy the normal speed and density ratios.

In addition to the core features listed above, MassMotion 9.0 continues to advance Oasys’ 3D modelling tools, IFC importation and automatic geometry mapping. Version 9.0 builds upon decades of international research and data concerning pedestrian patterns and social modelling. MassMotion’s user interface has also received a facelift, streamlining the creation of actions, process chains, timetables and agent development, and providing enhanced analysis options.

A free trial of MassMotion 9.0 is available through Oasys’ website.

Interested in learning more about how pedestrians’ safety is simulated and protected? Check out how deep learning algorithms are helping driverless cars detect pedestrians.