Robot Simulator Allows You to Simulate Multiple Robots Simultaneously

OK, so it might not be a huge army of killer robots, but a small army of practical manufacturing robots is still pretty cool, right? It sure is.

And with the new release of OCTOPUZ 2.0, efficient robotic simulation is within your grasp.

OCTOPUZ 2.0 has edge following features. (Image courtesy of OCTOPUZ.)

OCTOPUZ allows users to simulate then offline program and generate code for multiple robots, simultaneously, with support for most robot brands in any configuration.

The latest release includes updates to the software’s UI, which enhance the user experience. These UI updates include:

  • The ability to easily move and dock windows based on user preferences
  • Improved schema window
  • The ability to view and modify imported tool and weld paths
  • Ribbon tabs that separate user workflows
  • The ability to quickly switch between views
  • Quick access menus for view, simulation and manipulation

In addition, there are some new features aimed at making more robust simulation.

Such updates include the new Cable Modeling feature, which allows users to model and simulate cables and wires connected to the robot. This can be used to identify and avoid issues such as cable wrapping and cable length limitations, as well as to validate a design before running the code on the actual robot.

Also, being a simulation platform, you would expect there to be a few tools to assist with analyzing the simulation—and you’d be right in thinking so, because the new version of OCTOPUZ has updated Simulation Analytics capabilities.

The new analytics tools enable users to identify and improve the workflow process based on the analytics available for each machine in the layout. This should help users to optimize operations, boost efficiencies and identify workflow processes and bottlenecks.

The analytics can be visualized using line, area, bar and pie charts, and simulation data can be easily exported to PDF or Microsoft Excel, allowing for easy communication between engineers and other stakeholders.

Possible robotic applications include welding, additive manufacturing, painting, pick and place, and material removal.

You can request a free demonstration of OCTOPUZ 2.0 robotic simulation software at this link.