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Hue Re-Invents the Light Bulb

Philips , the Dutch lighting and electronics giant has just introduced a smart light bulb that could change the way you feel about interior lighting – seriously. The new product is called Hue , and it is basically a LED bulb replacement for standard incandescent bulbs. What really sets this product apart is the technology that is integrated within the bulb. The bulbs are web connected through a bridge that connects to your router and is controllable from a smartphone or tablet via a downloaded app. The bridge connects the bulbs through the Zigby Light Link standard to the router via an Ethernet cable.

The bulbs are unique in that they can change colour to virtually any shade that you decide. You can pick a colour from a photo, a pallet, or mood lighting. The lights can dim, or illuminate as high as 600 lumens, equivalent to a 50 Watt standard incandescent bulb.

The system can support up to 50 bulbs, and can be controlled via the web. This means that while you are on vacation or away from the house you don’t have to rely on timers to make your home look occupied, you can control each hue light individually through your smartphone.

The bulbs are available exclusively through the Apple store right now. Unfortunately they don’t come cheap by any means. A starter pack including the bridge and three Hue bulbs will set you back $199.95 US. Each single bulb after that costs $59.95 US .

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