LUMO Watches Your Posture and Warns If You Slouch

The temptation to slouch can be irresistible. The seductive call of your chair calls out to your back, at the cost of a lifetime of lower back pain and spinal problems. Those of us not fortunate enough to still live with our mothers might even find their posture slipping without ever realizing it. That’s where the LUMO Back comes in.

The LUMO is a thin, flexible sensor band worn as a belt that captures the posture of your lower and upper back and provides the vital motherly service of nagging you if your posture slips by means of a gentle vibration.

The LUMO uses Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity to wirelessly send your stats to a companion mobile app running on iOS, which breaks down your good posture : bad posture ratio, and if for some reason you forget what position you’re in, it also tracks your posture and activities in real time, mirroring your daily schedule. An animated avatar, also named LUMO, appears on the screen and demonstrates whether you’re currently standing, moving around, or running.

The LUMO Back had a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, and has been now released. It’s available for purchase at