3Drag 3D Printer

Elegantly designed with a lightweight aluminum frame, the 3Drag 3D printer is a simple starter system looking to get into 3D printing.

Capable of printing ABS or PLA in its 20 x 20 x 20 cm build volume, the 3Drag is, according to Open Electronics, “Extremely fast and precise even in prints at higher speeds.” The 8.7 kg printer also has a nominal resolution of 0.015 mm along the X and Y planes and a 0.781mm resolution along the Z plane.

While the printers specifications seem to be a little short of competing home printer models, the one thing that I liked most about this machine was its seemingly sturdy and open design. From all appearances, this machine could be an excellent test bed for experimenting with DIY heated print beds or chambers, dual head extruders or any other wild ideas that one could think up. The price tag is also right where it should be, $938, so adding one to your home garage won’t bust the bank.

Images Courtesy of Open Electronics