As with suits, so it is with your career. Do you choose an off-the-rack version or one that’s bespoke? Do you pursue a career path that anyone with the same experience level, credentials, and education can follow? Or do you elect to make a more personal statement; a career made to order fitting your strengths, weaknesses, while making you look like a million dollars all at the same time? Easy decision for me: I’ll go for the later please.
Comparing a suit to a career may seem like a stretch, but it’s a great analogy for how you approach the work you’ll do in your lifetime. You can elect to take the off-the-rack career path, which entails following the industry norm. Or you can make a conscious decision to understand what career you want to have and then set about the work of bringing it into reality. In the end you may still have an off-the-rack career, but at least you know it’s what fits you best.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Christian Knutson, P.E., PMP is a leader, civil engineer, and author. He’s an accomplished professional specializing in A/E/C work internationally and author of The Engineer Leader, a recognized blog on leadership and life success for engineers and professionals.
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