Lightwave 11.6 has Landed

There are days when I wish I was less of an engineer and more of an artist, because then I'd be able to create beautiful designs with tools like these.

Take a peak at their gallery to understand what I mean.

Lightwave 11.6 pre-release has dropped (final version shipping Q4 2013) with a host of new features and enhancements free to existing 11.x users.  Additionally, LightWave is adding new tools like Chronosculpt and NevronMotion (with Microsoft Kinect support) to allow artists more control over their existing renderings, animations, riggings, effects, and data exchange capabilities.  Did I forget to mention 3D printing support?

From the surface, this is an expansive toolset available for approximately US$1500 plus a few hundred more each for Chronosculpt and NevronMotion add-ons.  Considering these are the tools used to create the computer graphics for SyFy's hit show Defiance, it's an amazing bargain to be able to turn your Youtube videos into a hit series.

I wonder if I can acquire the dataset to 3D print myself a Hellbug.