Inflatable Satellites Garner Huge Military Investment

First used in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina GATR’s massive inflatable balloons are much more than meets the eye.

Built from a high-strength plastic the inflatable is actually home to a floating satellite dish that can operate in any aquatic arena. The dish, which is constructed from a flexible fabric, is said to be just as effective as the metal or ceramic dish sitting atop your home and is less susceptible to being blown over by gale given the fact that it’s housed in a plastic ball.

Weighing only 32kg (70lbs) the whole apparatus can be carried in a back pack and assembled on site in just over 13 minutes. What’s more, once GATR’s inflatable has been filled its need impervious to damage and can reportedly withstand punctures and small caliber bullet holes thanks to its blowers amazing capacity.

With all of those capabilities it’s no wonder that the US Military have decided to invest $440M in the in the inflatable spheres. Over the course of the next 5 years the military, led by the US Army, will begin testing to see whether the balloons will fit into combat operations. Given their versatility, I can’t see why they wouldn’t.  

Image and Video Courtesy of GATR