CAM 360 Now a Part of Fusion 360

Not even out of beta, or tech review depending on your point of view, CAM 360 has grown up to be integrated into Fusion 360.

For CAM 360 Users:

If you only run CAM 360, the next time you launch the program you will be notified that the product is being discontinued and you should download Fusion 360.  You can uninstall the stand-alone version of CAM 360.

For Fusion 360 Users:

The next time you run Fusion 360, the latest update will be applied.  It includes CAM 360 functionality if licensed.  If not licensed, don't worry, you still get amazing rendering with the update and better export for 3D printing.

For users of both Fusion 360 and CAM 360:

Once you update Fusion 360, you can create all your toolpaths and edit existing ones within Fusion 360.  The stand-alone version of CAM 360 can be uninstalled.

Existing Data:

Again, the benefits of the cloud shows up.  Since your data is stored in Autodesk 360, it doesn't matter what application or version you run, your data will always be available.  (I explained how Autodesk always makes sure its applications are "data compatible, not run compatible" in this article.)


So it looks like Fusion is finally fusing together the entire design and manufacturing process.  Will we see more combined products in the 360 family?  Whether they do or not, one thing is for certain, Autodesk is wasting no time enhancing its cloud design tools and releasing updates on a quick schedule.  Power to cloud, but what a headache keeping track of updates that happen so quickly.  Updates like this are usually easy on press because they are preceded by a big user event.  Not any more.  Oh my how times are changing.
